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The Scrabble Solver - Four Letter Word Ending In A

Updated on May 9, 2013

Find here Four Letter Word Ending In A. If you are player of Scrabble, let me inspire you and get help with the list of words with short description. For Scrabble games played in North America I have checked every word in Hasbro's Official Online Scrabble Dictionary and for games played outside of North America (a rest of world) I have used Mattel's Official Online Scrabble Dictionary.

You can find words with points and abbreviation US and EN, so here are explanations:

US – you can use word in games played in North America

EN - you can use word in games played outside of North America

Four Letter Words Ending In A

ABBA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

a father, used as a title of honor

ACTA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

recorded proceedings

AGHA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

a high-ranking Turkish military officer

AGMA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

a phonetic symbol

ALBA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

the white substance of the brain

ALFA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

a communications code word for the letter A

ALGA [5 pts] , (US, EN)

any of a group of primitive aquatic plants

ALMA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

an Egyptian girl who sings and dances professionally

AMIA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a freshwater fish

AMLA [6 pts] , (EN)

species of Indian tree

ASEA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

at sea

ATMA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

the individual soul in Hinduism

AULA [4 pts] , (EN)

a hall

AURA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

an invisible emanation

BABA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

a rum cake

BEMA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

a platform in a synagogue

BETA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a Greek letter

BIGA [7 pts] , (EN)

a chariot drawn by two horses

BIMA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

a platform in a synagogue

BOBA [8 pts] , (EN)

a type of Chinese tea

ANGA [5 pts] , (US, EN)

any of the eight practices of yoga

ANNA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a former coin of India and Pakistan

ANOA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a wild ox

ANSA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

the projecting part of Saturn's rings

ANTA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a pilaster formed at the termination of a wall

AQUA [13 pts] , (US, EN)

water (a transparent, tasteless, odorless liquid)

ARBA [6 pts] , (EN)

an Asian carriage

AREA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a particular extent of space or surface or a section of the cerebral cortex having a specific function

ARIA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

an elaborate melody for a single voice

ARNA [4 pts] , (EN)

Indian water buffalo


CASA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a dwelling

CAVA [9 pts] , (EN)

Spanish sparkling wine produced by a method similar to that used for champagne

CECA [11 pts] , (US, EN)

a pl. of cecum - a bodily cavity with one opening

CHIA [9 pts] , (US, EN)

a Mexican herb

COCA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

a South American shrub

CODA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

a passage at the end of a musical composition

COLA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a carbonated beverage

COMA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

a tuft of silky hairs or a condition of prolonged unconsciousness

COXA [13 pts] , (US, EN)

the hip bone or hip joint

CYMA [11 pts] , (US, EN)

a curved molding

BOLA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a throwing weapon

BOMA [8 pts] , (EN)

an enclosure, a palisade or fence of thorn bush, set up to protect a camp or herd of animals

BONA [6 pts] , (EN)


BORA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a cold wind

BOTA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a leather bottle

BUBA [8 pts] , (EN)

an infectious tropical skin disease

BUNA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a synthetic rubber

BURA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a violent windstorm

CABA [8 pts] , (EN)

a reticule

CACA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

an excrement

CAPA [8 pts] , (EN)

a type of Spanish cloak


Four Letter Words Ending In A – Some Word Stats

Most profitable words or most points you can get for following words:

JAVA [14 pts] , (US, EN)

a coffee

ZUPA [15 pts] , (EN)

a confederation of Serbian villages


DADA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

an artistic and literary movement

DATA [5 pts] , (US, EN)

a pl. of datum

DEVA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

a Hindu god

DIKA [9 pts] , (EN)

a wild mango

DISA [5 pts] , (EN)

a type of orchid

DITA [5 pts] , (US, EN)

a Philippine tree

DIVA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

a distinguished female operatic singer

DONA [5 pts] , (US, EN)

a Spanish lady

DOPA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

a drug to treat Parkinson's disease

DUMA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

a Russian council

FORA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

a pl. of forum - a public meeting place

GAGA [6 pts] , (US, EN)


GALA [5 pts] , (US, EN)

a celebration

GAMA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

a pasture grass

GENA [7 pts] , (EN)

a cheek

GETA [5 pts] , (US, EN)

a Japanese wooden clog

GIGA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a gigue - a lively dance

GILA [5 pts] , (EN)

a large venomous brightly coloured lizard

GLIA [5 pts] , (US, EN)

a supporting tissue that binds nerve tissue

GUGA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a gannet chick

DURA [5 pts] , (US, EN)

a cereal grain

EKKA [12 pts] , (EN)

a type of one-horse carriage

EMMA [8 pts] , (EN)

a former communications code for the letter A

EPHA [9 pts] , (US, EN)

ephah - a Hebrew unit of dry measure

ETNA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a container for heating liquids

EYRA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

a wild cat of tropical America

FAVA [10 pts] , (US, EN)

an edible seed of a climbing vine

FETA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

a Greek cheese

FILA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

a pl. of filum - a threadlike anatomical structure

FLEA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

a parasitic insect


HYLA [10 pts] , (US, EN)

a tree frog

IDEA [5 pts] , (US, EN)

a conception existing in the mind

ILEA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a pl. of ileum - a part of the small intestine

ILIA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a pl. of ilium - a bone of the pelvis

ILKA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

each - being one of two or more distinct individuals

INION [5 pts] , (US, EN)

a part of the skull

IOTA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a Greek letter

ISBA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a Russian log hut

IXIA [11 pts] , (US, EN)

a flowering plant

JAVA [14 pts] , (US, EN)

a coffee

GULA [5 pts] , (EN)

a gluttony - practice of eating too much

HAHA [10 pts] , (US, EN)

a fence set in a ditch

HAKA [11 pts] , (EN)

a ceremonial Maori dance with chanting

HILA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

a pl. of hilum - a small opening in a bodily organ

HIYA [10 pts] , (EN)

a sentence substitute informal term of greeting

HORA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

an Israeli dance

HOYA [10 pts] , (US, EN)

a flowering plant

HUIA [7 pts] , (EN)

an extinct bird of New Zealand, prized by early Maoris for its distinctive tail feathers

HULA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

a Hawaiian dance

HUMA [9 pts] , (EN)

a mythical bird

JOTA [11 pts] , (US, EN)

a Spanish dance

JUBA [13 pts] , (US, EN)

a lively dance

JUGA [12 pts] , (US, EN)

a pl. of jugum - a pair of the opposite leaflets of a pinnate leaf

JURA [11 pts] , (US, EN)

a pl. of jus - a legal right

KAKA [12 pts] , (US, EN)

a parrot - to repeat or imitate without thought or understanding

KAMA [10 pts] , (EN)

a large African antelope with lyre-shaped horns

KANA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

the Japanese syllabic script

KAPA [10 pts] , (US, EN)

a coarse cloth

KARA [8 pts] , (EN)

a steel bangle traditionally worn by Sikhs as a symbol of their religious and cultural loyalty

KATA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

an exercise of set movements


My hub stats:

273 Four Letter Words Ending In A


208 – US and EN

65 – only EN


LEVA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a monetary unit of Bulgaria

LIMA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

the edible seed of a tropical American plant

LIPA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a monetary unit of Croatia

LIRA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a former monetary unit of Italy or a monetary unit of Malta

LOCA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a pl. of locus - a place

LOMA [6 pts] , (EN)

a lobe – a rounded projection

LOTA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a small water vessel used in India

LUNA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

an alchemical designation for silver

MAMA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

a mother

MANA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a supernatural force in certain Pacific island religions

KAVA [11 pts] , (US, EN)

a tropical shrub

KETA [8 pts] , (EN)

a type of salmon

KINA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

a monetary unit of Papua New Guinea

KIVA [11 pts] , (US, EN)

an underground ceremonial chamber

KOLA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

a cola - a carbonated beverage

KORA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

a stringed African musical instrument

KUNA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

a monetary unit of Croatia

LAMA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a Buddhist monk

LANA [4 pts] , (EN)

a wood from genipap tree

LAVA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

a molten rock that issues from a volcano

MALA [6 pts] , (EN)

string of beads or knots, used in praying and meditating

MARA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a cavy of Argentina

MASA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a dough made of dried corn

MAYA [9 pts] , (US, EN)

the power to produce illusions, in Hindu philosophy

MEGA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

a great in size or importance

MELA [6 pts] , (EN)

Asian cultural or religious fair or festival

MESA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a land formation having a flat top and steep sides

META [6 pts] , (US, EN)

pertaining to positions in a benzene ring separated by one carbon atom

MICA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

a mineral

MINA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

an ancient unit of weight and value

MOLA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a marine fish


Meaning of abbreviations:

US – you can use word in games played in North America

EN - you can use word in games played outside of North America


How to Play Scrabble : Learn How to Score & Win at Scrabble

NANA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a grandmother

NAPA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a soft leather

NEMA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a nematode - a kind of worm

NIPA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a palm tree

NOMA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a severe inflammation of the mouth

NONA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a virus disease

NOTA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a pl. of notum - a part of the thorax of an insect

NOVA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

a type of star

OBIA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

an obeah - a form of sorcery of African origin

OCTA [6 pts] , (EN)

an unit used in meteorology to measure cloud cover

MONA [6 pts] , (EN)

an African guenon monkey with dark fur on the back and white or yellow underparts

MORA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a unit of metrical time in prosody

MOWA [9 pts] , (US, EN)

an Indian tree

MOXA [13 pts] , (US, EN)

a Chinese plant

MOYA [9 pts] , (EN)

a mud emitted from a volcano

MURA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a Japanese village

MYNA [9 pts] , (US, EN)

an Asian bird

NADA [5 pts] , (US, EN)

an nothing - the absence of all quantity or magnitude

NAGA [5 pts] , (EN)

a cobra

NALA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a ravine - a narrow, steep-sided valley

ODEA [5 pts] , (EN)

a building for musical performances in ancient Greece and Rome

OHIA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

a tropical tree

OKRA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

a tall annual herb

OKTA [8 pts] , (EN)

an unit used in meteorology to measure cloud cover

OLEA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a pl. of oleum – oil - to supply with oil (a greasy liquid used for lubrication, fuel, or illumination)

OLLA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a wide-mouthed pot or jar

ORCA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

an orc - a marine mammal

OSSA [2 pts] , (US, EN)

a bone

PACA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

a large rodent

PAPA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

a father


Four Letter Words Ending In A – Some Stats

Most profitable words or most points you can get for following words:

JAVA [14 pts] , (US, EN)

a coffee

ZUPA [15 pts] , (EN)

a confederation of Serbian villages


PIPA [8 pts] , (EN)

a tongueless South American toad

PITA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a strong fiber

PLEA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

an entreaty - an earnest request

PROA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a swift Malaysian sailing vessel

PUJA [13 pts] , (US, EN)

a Hindu prayer ritual

PULA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a monetary unit of Botswana

PUMA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

a cougar, a mountain lion

PUNA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a cold, arid plateau

PUPA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

an intermediate stage of a metamorphic insect

RACA [6 pts] , (EN)

biblical word meaning worthless or empty-headed

RAGA [5 pts] , (US, EN)

a Hindu musical form

PARA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a woman's status regarding the bearing of offspring

PAUA [6 pts] , (EN)

edible shellfish of New Zealand, which has a pearly shell used for jewellery

PAWA [9 pts] , (EN)

old word for peacock - large male bird with a brilliantly coloured fanlike tail

PEBA [8 pts] , (EN)

a type of armadillo

PELA [6 pts] , (EN)

an insect living on wax

PICA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

a craving for unnatural food

PIKA [10 pts] , (US, EN)

a small mammal

PILA [6 pts] , (EN)

a pillar-like anatomical structure

PIMA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

a strong, high-grade cotton

PINA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a pineapple

RAIA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a non-Muslim inhabitant of Turkey

RAJA [11 pts] , (US, EN)

a king or prince in India

RANA [4 pts] , (EN)

a genus of frogs

RATA [4 pts] , (EN)

New Zealand hard-wood forest tree with crimson flowers

RAYA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

a non-Muslim inhabitant of Turkey

RHEA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

a flightless bird

RIMA [6 pts] , (EN)

a long narrow opening

RIVA [7 pts] , (EN)

a rock cleft

RIZA [13 pts] , (EN)

partial icon cover made from precious metal

ROMA [6 pts] , (EN)

a gypsy, member of a nomadic people scattered throughout Europe and North America


SIMA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

an igneous rock

SKUA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

a predatory seabird

SOCA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a blend of soul and calypso music

SODA [5 pts] , (US, EN)

a type of chemical compound

SOFA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

a long, upholstered seat

SOJA [11 pts] , (US, EN)

the soybean

SOLA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a pl. of solum - a soil layer

SOMA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

the body of an organism

SORA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a marsh bird

SOYA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

a soy - the soybean

ROTA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a roster, a list of names

RUGA [5 pts] , (US, EN)

an anatomical fold or wrinkle

RUSA [4 pts] , (EN)

a type of deer with a mane

SAGA [5 pts] , (US, EN)

a medieval Scandinavian narrative

SAMA [6 pts] , (EN)

a Japanese title of respect

SERA [4 pts] , (EN)

a pl. of serum - the watery portion of whole blood

SETA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a coarse, stiff hair

SHEA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

an African tree

SHWA [10 pts] , (US, EN)

a type of vowel sound

SIDA [5 pts] , (EN)

an Australian hemp plant

SIKA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

a small deer native to Asia

STOA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

an ancient Greek covered walkway

SUBA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a province of India

SURA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a chapter of the Koran

TAHA [7 pts] , (EN)

a type of South African bird

TAKA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

a monetary unit of Bangladesh

TALA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a traditional rhythmic pattern of music in India

TANA [4 pts] , (EN)

a small Madagascan lemur

TAPA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a cloth made from tree bark

TARA [4 pts] , (EN)

a plant with a large edible rootstock

TAVA [7 pts] , (EN)

a thick Indian frying pan

How to Play Scrabble : Tips & Strategies of Scrabble Game Play

TUFA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

a porous limestone

TUNA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a marine food fish

ULNA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a bone of the forearm

ULVA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

an edible seaweed

UREA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a chemical compound

URSA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a female bear

URVA [4 pts] , (EN)

Indian mongoose

UVEA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

a layer of the eye

VARA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

a Spanish unit of length

VASA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a pl. of vas - an anatomical duct

TAWA [7 pts] , (EN)

a tall timber tree from New Zealand, with edible purple berries

TAXA [11 pts] , (US, EN)

a pl. of taxon - a unit of scientific classification

TELA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

an anatomical tissue

TEPA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a chemical compound

TIKA [8 pts] , (EN)

marinated in spices and dry-roasted

TOEA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a monetary unit of Papua New Guinea

TOGA [5 pts] , (US, EN)

an outer garment worn in ancient Rome

TOLA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a unit of weight used in India

TORA [4 pts] , (US, EN)

a law or precept

TOSA [4 pts] , (EN)

a large reddish dog, originally bred for fighting

TUBA [6 pts] , (US, EN)

a brass wind instrument

WAWA [10 pts] , (EN)

a speech

WEKA [11 pts] , (US, EN)

a flightless bird

WETA [7 pts] , (EN)

a type of wingless insect

WHOA [10 pts] , (US, EN)

used to command an animal to stop

YOGA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

a Hindu philosophy involving physical and mental disciplines

YUCA [9 pts] , (US, EN)

a tropical plant

YUGA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

an age of time in Hinduism

ZETA [13 pts] , (US, EN)

a Greek letter

ZILA [13 pts] , (EN)

an administrative district in India

ZOEA [13 pts] , (US, EN)

a larval form of certain crustaceans

VEGA [6 pts] , (EN)

a tobacco plantation

VELA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

a pl. of velum - a thin membranous covering or partition

VENA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

a vein

VIGA [8 pts] , (US, EN)

a ceiling beam in Spanish architecture

VINA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

a stringed instrument of India

VISA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

to put an official endorsement on, as a passport

VITA [7 pts] , (US, EN)

a brief, autobiographical sketch

VIVA [10 pts] , (US, EN)

a shout or cry used to express approval

VOLA [7 pts] , (EN)

a palm of hand or sole of foot

WAKA [11 pts] , (EN)

a Maori canoe


Meaning of abbreviations:

US – you can use word in games played in North America

EN - you can use word in games played outside of North America


ZONA [13 pts] , (US, EN)

a transparent substance surrounding the ovum of mammals

ZUPA [15 pts] , (EN)

a confederation of Serbian villages

ZYGA [17 pts] , (EN)

a brain fissure

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